"Success Is Not FINAL; Failure Is Not FATAL: It is the courage to CONTINUE ... that counts." -- Winston S. Churchill
Er.Jeewan Rai
jeewan.rai@hotmail.com; oracle03511@gmail.com
jeewan.rai@hotmail.com; oracle03511@gmail.com
Class Notes
Google Classroom
* Network Programming (BCA 6th)- Class Code: r4tcqbt
* Dot Net Technology (BCA 5th)- Class Code: r4tcqbt
* OOP in JAVA (BCA 3rd)- Class Code: w3tl4qe
* Internet Security (BICT 5th) - Class Code: 3w4z47z
* Computer Security (BICT 3rd) - Class Code: 3w4z47z
* Software Engineering (BICT 4th) - Class Code: j2xs7xn
* Web Technology (BSc.CSIT 5th) - Class Code: mehu525
* Cryptography (BSc.CSIT 5th) - Class Code: ybxy2va
* Net Centric Computing (BSc.CSIT 6th) - Class Code: bfcbik6
* Advanced JAVA Programming (BSc.CSIT 7th) - Class Code: vcatly6
* Decision Support System (BSc.CSIT 8th) - Class Code: jmc6odi
* Network Programming (BCA 6th)- Class Code: r4tcqbt
* Dot Net Technology (BCA 5th)- Class Code: r4tcqbt
* OOP in JAVA (BCA 3rd)- Class Code: w3tl4qe
* Internet Security (BICT 5th) - Class Code: 3w4z47z
* Computer Security (BICT 3rd) - Class Code: 3w4z47z
* Software Engineering (BICT 4th) - Class Code: j2xs7xn
* Web Technology (BSc.CSIT 5th) - Class Code: mehu525
* Cryptography (BSc.CSIT 5th) - Class Code: ybxy2va
* Net Centric Computing (BSc.CSIT 6th) - Class Code: bfcbik6
* Advanced JAVA Programming (BSc.CSIT 7th) - Class Code: vcatly6
* Decision Support System (BSc.CSIT 8th) - Class Code: jmc6odi
1. BPM - BPM Question and Solution2. Communication System - CS Possible Questions 2018
3. Information Security - 2017_IS-Practice-Question and Answer
4. OOS - OOS Old Qtn Solution
5. OOS-UML Diagram - UML_diagram_for_University_Information_System+Railway reservation system+telephone billing
6. Research Methodology - RM Old Qtn Solution
7. Software Engineering - SE Important Notes
8. Software Engineering - Software cost estimation - COCOMO
9. Software Engineering - SE Old Qtn Solution
10. Agile Development - Active Object11. Agile Development - Agile Abstract Server, Adapter, and Bridge
12. Agile Development - Chapter1- Agile Development
13. Agile Development - Chapter2- Object Oriented Design - SOLID Design Principle
14. Agile Development - Composite and Observer
15. Agile Development - Facade and Mediator
16. Agile Development - Null Object
17. Agile Development - Package Principle - Cohesion and Coupling
18. Agile Development - Singleton or Monostate
19. Agile Development - Syllabus
20. Network Programming and Design - Flow Control
21. Network Programming and Design - HTTP Methods
22. Network Programming and Design - IPv6 Design Issues
23. Network Programming and Design - Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Addition in JAVA
24. Network Programming and Design - RPC
25. Network Programming and Design - Syllabus
26. Network Programming and Design - TCP and UDP Socket Programming in JAVA
27. Computer Network - Chapter 1.1 - Introduction to Computer Networks - CSIT28. Computer Network - Chapter 1.2 Protocol Layers - CSIT
29. Computer Network - Chapter 1.3 Application Layer - CSIT
30. Computer Network - Chapter 1.4 Transport Layer - CSIT
31. Computer Network - Chapter 1.5 Network Layer - CSIT
32. Computer Network - Chapter 2.1 Link Layer and Local Area Networks - CSIT
33. Computer Network - Chapter 2.2 Multimedia Networking - CSIT
34. Computer Network - Chapter 2.3 Network Management - CSIT
35. Computer Network - Old Question
36. Netcentric Computing - Old Questions
37. Netcentric Computing - Syllabus
38. Netcentric Computing - Unit 1 - Introduction
39. Netcentric Computing - Unit 2 - Intrinsic ASP Objects(6hrs)
40. Netcentric Computing - Unit 3. Writing Server-Side Code (8hrs)
41. Netcentric Computing - Unit 4. Using Components(5hr)
42. Netcentric Computing - Unit 5. Accessing Databases with ASP and ADO (7hrs)
43. Netcentric Computing - Unit 6. ASP Applications (7hrs)
44. Netcentric Computing - Unit 7. Advanced ASP (8hrs)
TU BE Computer
45. Computer Network - Chapter 0 - Syllabus46. Computer Network - Chapter 1 - Introduction of Network(5hr)
47. Computer Network - Chapter 2 - Physical Layer(5hr)
48. Computer Network - Chapter 3 - Data Link Layer(5hr)
49. Computer Network - Chapter 4 - Network Layer(9hr)
50. Computer Network - Chapter 5 - Transport Layer(5hr)
51. Computer Network - Chapter 6 - Application Layer(5hr)
52. Computer Network - IOE Old Questions
53. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 0 - Orientation
54. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 0 - Syllabus
55. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 1 - Introduction of DMDW(2 hours)
56. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 1 2 - Lecture Note
57. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 2- Data Pre-Processing (6 hours )
58. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 3 - Classification (12 hours)
59. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 3 - GINI Index Work out Example
60. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 3 - Hunts Algorithm
61. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 3 - ID3 Decision Tree Example
62. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 3 - Lecture Note
63. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 4 - Association Analysis - A-priori Example
64. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 4 - Association Analysis (10 hours)
65. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 4 - Association Analysis - FP - Tree Example
66. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 5 - Cluster Analysis (9 hours)
67. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 5 - Cluster Analysis - K-Means Clustering Example
68. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 6 - Anomaly Fraud Detection (3 hours)
69. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Chapter 7 - Advanced Applications (3 hours)
70. Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Old Questions
71. Information System(IS) - Unit 1 Information system(3hr)
72. Internet and Intranet - Intranet Design Sample with BOQ
73. Internet and Intranet - Network Design Samples
74. Internet and Intranet - Syllabus
75. Internet and Intranet - Unit 1 Introduction(5hr)
76. Internet and Intranet - Unit 2 Intranet Protocal Overview(6hr)
77. Internet and Intranet - Unit 3 Protocols and ClientServer Applications [6 hours]
78. Internet and Intranet - Unit 4 HTTP and the Web Services(8hr)
79. Internet and Intranet - Unit 5 Designing Internet Systems and Servers[8 hrs]
80. Internet and Intranet - Unit 6. Internet and Intranet Systems Development [6 hours]
81. Internet and Intranet - Unit 7. Internet and Intranet Applications [6 hours]
82. Networking with IPv6 - Unit 4-Routing with IPv6(6hr)
83. Networking with IPv6 - IPv6 Lab Excercise
84. Networking with IPv6 - NETWORKING WITH IPV6 Syllabus
85. Networking with IPv6 - Unit 1-Internet and Network Protocols(3Hr)
86. Networking with IPv6 - Unit 2-Next Generation Internet Protocols(14Hr)
87. Networking with IPv6 - Unit 3-Security and Quality of Service in IPv6(5hr)
88. Networking with IPv6 - Unit 5-IPv4 IPv6 Transition Mechanism(8hr)
89. Networking with IPv6 - Unit 6- IPv6 Deployment(6hr)
90. Networking with IPv6 - Unit 7- Advanced Application(3hr)
91. Client Server Computing - CSC Question Collections and Solution92. Client Server Computing - Socket Programming Examples - TCP
93. Client Server Computing - Socket Programming Examples - UDP
94. Client Server Computing - Syllabus
95. Client Server Computing - Unit 1-Introduction to Client Server(4hr)
96. Client Server Computing - Unit 10- Distributed System Architecture(3hr)
97. Client Server Computing - Unit 2- Client Server Components(3hr)
98. Client Server Computing - Unit 3- Networking and Communication(4hr)
99. Client Server Computing - Unit 4- Transport Layer Protocols(5hr)
100. Client Server Computing - Unit 5- Understanding Middleware(5hr)
101. Client Server Computing - Unit 6- Client Server Database(8hr)
102. Client Server Computing - Unit 7- Socket Programming in Java(9hr)
103. Client Server Computing - Unit 8- Performance Tuning and Optimization(4hr)
104. Client Server Computing - Unit 9- Securing a ClientServer System (3hr)